Rubo Renews CIWM Affiliated Organisation Membership for 2025

At Rubo Hazardous Waste Management, we are committed to the highest standards of sustainability, compliance, and professionalism in hazardous waste disposal and resource recovery. That’s why we are proud to announce that we have renewed our CIWM (Chartered Institution of Wastes Management) Affiliated Organisation membership for 2025.

As a CIWM Affiliated Organisation, we uphold the institution’s Code of Conduct, ensuring that we:

  1. Lead in best practices for waste management and environmental compliance.

  2. Provide expert, high-quality waste management services.

  3. Train and develop our team to maintain the highest professional standards.

  4. Operate with integrity, transparency, and accountability.

This renewal reinforces our commitment to sustainable waste solutions and aligns with our mission to support a circular economy while helping businesses meet their environmental compliance obligations.

At Rubo, we continue to work closely with industry leaders, businesses, and regulators to drive innovation in hazardous waste management and reduce environmental impact.

If you’re looking for a trusted partner to help manage your hazardous waste responsibly, get in touch with us today.

Contact us to discuss how we can support your business:


Deciphering the Waste Duty of Care Code of Practice


A Complete Guide to Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes